Monday, November 28, 2005

Remote field User: I need to have a printer installed. I need admin rights
Me: Okay, I'll need to send a ticket to your field support team
Remote field user: Okay, so who should I call
Me: You would call us
Remote field user: But how do I get the printer installed?
Me: They'll call you
Remote field user: But who do I call?
Me: You should call us.
Remote field user: How would I get the rights then?
Me: They will call you.
Remote field user: But how would I get in touch with them?
Me: You should call us.
Remote field user: How do I speak with them?
Me: You should call us.
Remote field user: But if I need to get in touch with them?
Me: You should call us.
Remote field user: But who do I speak with in order to get this taken care of?
Me: carefully using same intonationYou should call us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are HI-larious

11:14 AM  

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